You And Me

The Way You Make Me Feel Every Day,
Is More Then Any Words Can Say.
The Happiness You Bring To Me,
Is More Then Can Ever Be Seen.
Happiness Comes And Happiness Goes,
But My Love For You Just Grows And Grows.
I Get A Twinkle In My Eye
When I See The Most Beautiful Person,
Is Cause Of You, But Only I Know Why,
The Reason Is That I Love You,
Because Without You I Would Not Live

Submitted By: RizVi

I call you my love

I call you honey
Because you’re so sweet
I call you angel
Because you’re so beautiful
I call you baby
Because you’re so huggable
I call you cutie
Because you’re the only one I notice
I call you my love
Because you fill my heart
I call you sunshine
Because you light up my life
I’d love to hear you call me Only Mine.

Submitted By: yousaf

Love never comes

love never comes before marriage
love never comes after marriage
it comes when you start to care someone
so deeply that you miss yourself

Submitted By: asjad

Captivate me, Dazzle me

Captivate me, Dazzle me
Fill me with awe of Your Splendor.
Capture me, Enrapture me
Let me be consumed with Your Grandeur.
Set your eyes upon me
Win me and make me Yours.

Amaze me, Astound me
Give me a fear of your otherness
Enthrall me, Engross me,
Mesmerize me with your Matchlessness.
Soon much bigger, and better, and brighter than me
Blow me away with Your Magnificence.

Marvel me, Wow me
Let my eyes, on You alone, gaze.
You a Lovely King, i a mere rat
Yet, let me find, in you, my place.
Train me, Instruct me
Teach me Your Ways.

Ceasing Bolshie


Ye are stubborn, me a lover
Ye are candle with blazing wick
Me a moth in thy love sick
l’m blazed ye blaze ’tis a fame
Let’s see who wins the game

Ye are proud of thy splendor
Me finds my love everything
It is the slave, it is the king
Trial me, trial thee do claim
Let’s see who wins the game

Ye scare of unrolling disgrace
Me shock of thy severance
Ye lack means of love thence
My nerves are out of frame
Let’s see who wins the game

If my leaving soul leave its place
d live in the vale of thy heart
And no more it would be apart
To you then my love’l claim
Let’s see who wins the game

When the shade of thy bolshie
Would lose its long long length
And cease mighty raging strength
Say then the winning name
And see who wins the game

Anjum Aziz Abbas

Thinking of you My sweet


Your special smile
your special face
You’re a special someone
I can’t replace
I Love You
and I always will
for you’ve filled a space
no one else can fill

I can’t let you go


I can’t let you go, you’r stuck in my heart
I’ll follow you, where ever you want me
You were always there, from the very start
When I’m with you, I can finally see
As I sleep a peaceful dream, I think of you.
I won’t shed my tears, for I am always smiling
The love we created, is a thing couples do.
For every kiss, I feel like I’m flying
Whenever I see you, I feel so shy.
But these feelings I have, feels so right.
I thank my lords, high in the sky
Happy to hear your voice, once a night.